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Burn Injury Attorneys in Pensacola, Florida

burn injury on arms that are about to heal

Have you or a loved one suffered a burn injury in Pensacola, Florida? Burn injuries can lead to significant physical, emotional, and financial challenges. However, if another party is to blame for your burn injuries, they could have to compensate you for your medical expenses, your lost wages, and the pain and suffering you have endured.

At Cardoso Law, PLLC, our experienced burn injury attorneys understand the impact such injuries can have on your life, and we are committed to helping you fight for the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free initial consultation and take the first step toward securing the support you need for your recovery.

Common Types of Burn Injuries

Burn injuries can result from different sources, each causing unique types of damage to the body:

  • Thermal Burns – Thermal burns occur when the skin comes into contact with extreme heat or cold. Hot thermal burns result from exposure to fire, hot liquids, steam, or heated objects. Cold thermal burns, also known as frostbite, happen when skin is exposed to freezing temperatures.
  • Friction Burns – Friction burns happen when the skin rubs against a rough surface, generating heat that damages the skin. This type of burn often combines elements of a scrape and a heat burn, resulting in painful, reddened, and sometimes blistered skin.
  • Chemical Burns – Chemical burns arise when the skin or eyes come into contact with harsh chemicals, such as acids, alkalis, or solvents. These substances can cause severe tissue damage and pain, often continuing to harm the skin until they are thoroughly washed away.
  • Electrical Burns – Electrical burns result from the passage of an electrical current through the body. This type of burn can cause significant damage to both the skin and internal tissues, as electricity follows the path of least resistance through the body. 
  • Radiation Burns – Radiation burns occur due to exposure to various forms of radiation, such as ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun or exposure to radioactive materials. Sunburn is the most common type of radiation burn.

Frequent Causes of Burn Injuries

Numerous everyday activities can unexpectedly lead to burn injuries, so it’s important to know how these incidents commonly occur.

For example, some common causes of thermal burns include:

  • Hot cooking oil splashes
  • Scalding water spills
  • Contact with hot surfaces
  • Fireplace and barbecue accidents
  • Exposure to steam from boiling water
  • Contact with heated metal objects
  • Hair straighteners and curling irons
  • Space heaters and heating pads

Some potential causes of electrical burns are:

  • Electrical short circuits
  • Faulty wiring
  • Lightning strikes

Chemical burns often result from:

  • Chemical spills
  • Industrial accidents involving corrosive substances
  • Car accidents with fuel fires
  • Explosions 
  • Fireworks accidents

Causes of radiation burns include:

  • Sunburn from prolonged sun exposure
  • Radiation therapy for cancer treatment
a medical staff applying first aid to a burned arm

Burn Injury Levels and Their Symptoms

Medical professionals classify burn injuries into three levels or degrees. Each level of burn affects the skin differently and has distinct symptoms:

  • First-Degree Burns – A first-degree burn is the mildest form of burn injury, affecting only the outer layer of the skin. Symptoms of minor burns include redness, swelling, and pain in the affected area. 
  • Second-Degree Burns – Second-degree burns penetrate deeper, affecting the outer and underlying layers of skin. Symptoms include intense redness, swelling, blistering, and significant pain. 
  • Third-Degree Burns – Third-degree burns are the most severe type. These can be deep burns, destroying skin and potentially affecting deeper tissues such as muscles and bones. The symptoms of severe burns include a white or blackened, charred appearance of the skin, and the area may feel numb due to nerve damage.

First Aid for Burn Injuries: Essential Steps

a man applying an ointment on his burned arm

Proper first aid can significantly reduce pain, prevent infection, and promote healing after suffering a burn injury. Here are some essential first-aid steps to follow after experiencing a relatively minor burn injury:

  • Remove yourself from the source of the burn to prevent further injury.
  • Cool the burn with cold, running water for at least ten minutes.
  • Remove any jewelry or clothing near the burn, but do not peel off anything stuck to the skin.
  • Cover the burned skin with a clean, non-stick cloth or bandage.
  • Do not apply ice, butter, or any home remedies to the burn.
  • Take over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers like acetaminophen to manage pain.
  • Keep the burned area elevated to reduce swelling.
  • Avoid popping any blisters that form, as this can lead to infection.

Call 911 for severe, chemical, electrical, or large burns (3 inches or more in diameter).

Immediate Actions After a Burn Injury

After administering or receiving the first aid you require, here are the steps you should take to protect your legal rights and lay the groundwork for a burn injury claim:

  • If you haven’t already, seek immediate medical attention. Follow your doctor’s treatment advice and attend all follow-up appointments.
  • Take photographs of your injuries and the scene where the burn occurred. Preserve any evidence related to the incident, such as damaged clothing or objects. Gather contact information from any witnesses to the incident.
  • Consult with a burn injury attorney to understand your legal options.
  • Notify your insurance company about the injury as soon as possible, but avoid making any statements to insurance adjusters without legal advice.
  • Keep records of all expenses related to your injury, including medical expenses, out-of-pocket expenses, and lost wages. 
  • Do not post details about the incident on social media.

Compensation for Severe Burn Injuries

If someone else caused your burn injuries, you could be entitled to various types of compensation to cover the costs and impacts of the injury. This could include compensation for:

  • Medical expenses, including potential future costs of medical treatment
  • Lost income if you were unable to work while injured
  • Loss of future earnings if the injury prevents you from working in the future
  • The pain and suffering you experience
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • The emotional and psychological impact of burn scars or disfigurement
  • The negative impact on your relationship with your spouse or partner

Reach Out to Our Pensacola Burn Injury Lawyers Today

Reach Out to Our Pensacola Burn Injury Lawyers Today

Take control of your burn injury case and get the support you need now. Contact Cardoso Law, PLLC, for a free initial consultation with a Pensacola burn injury attorney. Let us help you seek the recovery you deserve.